Friday, 13 February 2015

Mini Company & Pancake Party

This Thursday we had the school round of the mini company finals. The night before was full of stress and last minute work but we managed to get everything together on time. The competition was being held in the hall so we all set up there in the morning and waited for the judges. I had to bring in a mannequin for my friend's mini company group, called Seem. We appropriately named the mannequin Deirdre Judy. For most of the day we were just waiting to be judged so Emily, Ciara and I used spare material to find ways to have fun like skipping and spinning, we are getting better at both of those things now.

After we had all spoken to the judges and tidied the hall, we were told who had gotten through to the nest round and who had won smaller categories. Our mini company Casevana unfortunately didn't win anything but we still had a good day.

Today we held a pancake party in aid of The National Children's Hospital Tallaght. I was on the pancake committee so I had to get more people to sell the pancakes and I helped to set the 'party' up. The Home Ec classes cooked over 200 pancakes that we sold at lunch. We sold the pancakes for 50c or €1 if you had a topping. It was a great success and we sold out in 10 minutes.