On Friday we had the first round of the science competition scifest, we all set up our projects in the hall and waited for the judges. After staying up very late to finish my project I was finally finished and able to put my project up. My project was a study of lucid dreaming, which is any dream that one is aware one is dreaming. To do my project I surveyed students about lucid dreaming and compared my results to previous studies to try and find connections between lucid dreaming and factors such as hobbies and sleep disorders.
Each project was judged at least twice, but the judges can go back and judge projects again so my project was judged four times in total. Turns out this was a good sign but I was worried.After lunch we were all dying to know who had gotten through, around 15 projects got through and then there were additional prizes like 1st place, 2nd place, highly commended and best communicator. I wasn't sure if I would get through but I did in the end and much to my surprise, I won the best communicator award. Emily's group won first place (slay bro) and Ciara also got through (also slay bro) so we are all going to the next round together woop.
On Thursday we had the drum workshop so we spent the day in the library playing african drums to different beats. We also spoke to the man who organised it about traveling and his experiences in different countries which was really interesting. Fun fact: He nearly died on a volcano. We watched a video about Africa and its music culture to show us that not all of africa is very poor and that there is more to it then we know.
At the end of the day we got into groups and made up our own drumming performances, which was both hilarious and interesting. My group wasn't very good at coming up with an idea so we just followed what Anna was doing and hoped for the best. It didn't end very well but it was funny.