Friday 27 March 2015

Disconnected Dancing

Yesterday was the day of the schools annual music night and I was performing along with Ciara, Emily, Michaela and Emma. I spent half of the day helping to set up the hall for that night and practising with the rest of the Ty band. .

Our group or the Ty band were singing a mash up of Disconnected and Chocolate, Emily played the piano while Ciara and Michaela played guitar. We all sang which was terrifying to say the least, especially when I had to hold the mic because I was so worried I would drop it and deafen everyone. In the end though the performance went really well and it was really fun. 

Today we had the first of four hip hop classes instead of Pe, I was worried I wouldn't enjoy it because I'm so used to ballet but I actually ended up really enjoying it and it wasn't as hard to do as I thought it would be. Although I do still find myself looking too balletic but I'm getting there. I'm excited for the next few classes and possibly performing at the end of the year. Here's hoping I become a hip hop queen?


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