Friday 26 September 2014


Day  One
Monday the 15th was the morning I was dreading, only because I had to get the bus at 7am... Iam not usually awake then, no actually Iam never awake then, unless I stayed up all night and Iam going to sleep then. So of course in true Laura style I got to the bus just in time and sat down beside Ciara. The first thing we did was eat and try to connect to the Internet, that's  pretty much the definition of us. Thanks to Ireland's many country roads though we had no service... for a two hour journey, we were not amused. This called for a One Direction jam session, after we had realised it had been months since we had one. The rest of the journey was a blur of One Direction, laughing and fangirling.

When we arrived in Carlingford we were all sorted into rooms, which turned out to be alot harder then you would think. I was in a room with Aislinn and Ciara. We were then sent straight to kayaking which involved putting on disgusting wet suits. Aislinn, Ciara and I were to say the least not great at kayaking, we had a boat following us because we were so slow. It wasn't our finest hour.

Then we had my favourite activity, Laser Tag. We all put on camo onsies and got guns which made me feel like i was in the book Divergent. After walking up an impossibly steep hill we made it to the forest, where the laser war began. I loved this game because i got to shoot people it was like being in a video game, I hid out in different bases and used the fact that Iam small to my advantage. One time i hid behind a tree and shot people in their base with one hand sticking out, so they couldn't shoot me. I even killed Aislinn without her knowing it was me, sorry not sorry Aislinn.

Then we had a two hour break which of course meant going on the hunt for food. Possibly one of the greatest success's of the trip was accomplished then... We found the ten cent lollipops! Proving Ciara didn't eat them all! After that we had an activity called 'Nightline' which involved walking blindfolded in a line through the dark forest, In did not like the idea of this. So I may have had my blindfold on in the perfect way so it looked like I couldn't see but I really could. This meant I had the job of warning my friends of upcoming turns or drops. When we got back to our room it was time to eat all of our stash, which consisted terry's chocolate orange, pringles, rice (yes rice), ten cent lollipops and a lot more.

Day Two
7:30am, we had to get up at 7:30am way too early to move. Old music was being played all throughout the building, like the classic 'What makes you beautiful' by One Direction which I am pretty sure we are all a bit sick of by now. We then went Canadian canoeing, which meant we were in three boats bound together with wood and rope. Lots of us then jumped into the water which was freezing but so much fun, there was also a trampoline on the water that we then of course had to jump off.

The last activity was team building exercises where we had to complete challenges for the reward of gems. Of course because I am small this involved me being lifted up high through small holes and having piggy back rides because we need more weight on a small area. It was actually surprisingly really fun.

It was then time to get on the bus and head home, we were all really tired from two days of activities and we were all ready to go home at that stage. We actually had service on the way home, so Ciara and I passed the time by snapchatting our friend, listening to our favourite band(Not One Direction actually) and laughing at our inside jokes.

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